Our Ewes

Our ewes are from multiple farms throughout the United States, ranging from Oklahoma to Ohio.

Ewes are the foundation to the flock

You cannot overlook your ewes

We have deliberately grown our flock by keeping superior ewe lambs to meet our breeding and production standards. This is a slow process as we maintain a primarily closed flock, introducing rams when needed. This management practice is giving us great results as we strive for flock improvement.

As a ram can easily be replaced compared to a flock of ewes, we are careful to focus on a correct structural frame before evaluating other beneficial traits. This is especially important in the ram we use and in the replacement ewe lambs. This technique generally produces offspring with the same strong structural foundation. The maternal instincts and mothering ability is another key feature we focus on. Ewes that are not able to raise twins are not beneficial in the flock.

For more information please contact us!